
Creative Disorder

Is not about 3 people with over 20 years in advertising
More than 50 awards @ creative festivals
It is not even about our giant portfolio with endless successful campaigns and happy clients.

is about
Believing that standing still never moved anyone.
It is about finding new angles…
On a circle.
About your brand discovering what it is.
And than running off to become what it could be.
Knowing what people want,
But giving them what they need.
With sparkles on it.

So if you are up for
Creating some Disorder
Hit us up

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Get to know us

Meet Isidora
Meet Ivan
Meet Andreja

Isidora Radojčić

Having spent most of her career in two of the largest and most creative agencies in the region, Publicis and Saatchi&Saatchi, Isidora has an extensive portfolio of successful and awarded campaigns.

With endless optimism and vision, she has realized numerous successful partnerships with both local and global clients, always pinpointing precise strategic objectives and ensuring that the best quality of work is delivered to fulfil them.

Isidora doesn’t think that there is such a thing as a small client or a small project. Because she believes that every client deserves the biggest ideas (im)possible, and she will stop at nothing to make those ideas happen.

Over the years Isidora has lead teams and managed client communication for a wide diversity of clients such as: Milka, Nescafé, Renault, Dacia, Oreo, AIK bank, Orka, Sintelon, Tarkett, Barni, El Vita, Pozorištance Puž, Diopta, Optika etc.


Under destruction

For more information about our portfolio please contact us

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